

Steven Eric Boyette
Based in the U.S.A.

Release Date:

May 26, 2017


Windows PC



Regular Price:



In this "starship simulator" the player will fight their way to the center of a randomly generated galaxy where a massive star is about to go supernova and destroy all life. Can they find a way to stop it?


This game started as a hobby project to learn how to program in c++. For a long time it was just a test bed for learning various programming concepts. After a while it became clear that it could become a full game. So that is what it is now.


  • A Strategic Element - Command your ship and crew in real time to survive alien attacks and dangerous phenomenon. Manage power, sacrifice crew, board enemy ships - all and much more will be required in order to survive.
  • First Person Perspective - Unlike many other games in the genre, this one is about commanding a ship from a first person perspective. You can be killed by a hostile boarding party or if the ship you are aboard is destroyed.
  • Smart Enemies - Each hostile ship you face is controlled by another captain and crew just like your own. They will struggle to defeat you.
  • Randomized galaxy - Each play-through will feature different enemy ships, events and tough decisions. You will have to be adaptable and think on your feet to survive.
  • Many Different Ships - There are over 50 different ships and spacestations from 9 different species. Each can be boarded and explored.
  • Text Based Choices - There are over a hundred different text based encounters that will affect your crew, ship and resources.
  • Upgradeable Ships - You have limited resources and you will have to decide what are the most important parts of your vessel to upgrade or repair.



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About Steven Eric Boyette

Basic Info

Steven Eric Boyette is a game developer from the U.S.A.

More Info

For more information about Steven Eric Boyette go to his about page.


Steve Boyette