Crewmember Tablets and Their GUI’s

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It’s been a week of mostly artwork – with a few other miscellaneous tasks. I created the tablets for each species and did the GUI’s for each tablet:


Creating these GUI’s was not complicated but I spent a lot of time on it because it helped me to nail down the color scheme I will use for each species’ GUI’s. The GUI’s will be important for establishing the look of each species’ ship interiors.

The tablets are used in various animations by ship crewmember character models. They are used by crewmembers to repair ship modules and break through doors. They are also used in the idle animations of crewmembers at certain times. Here are the Machinulans with their tablets:


I was going to start modeling ship components and building ships now – but I think I will save that until next week. When I start building ships I want to be able to give them my full and complete attention without feeling like there are less exciting things that I still need to do. So I will be finishing up some other miscellaneous tasks instead.

For example I have a bunch of sound effects that are referenced in the source code that I need to create. Right now they just use placeholder sounds. They include generic sounds such as the generic sound for doors opening and for footsteps and explosions and item pickups etc. Many of these will be overridden by more specific sounds when I get to focusing more on sound effects. Doing this is not a huge priority but it is something that I left half-finished a while ago and I want to cross it off my list.

I also want to make some kind of special notification when members of your crew are killed. Right now when they are killed there is no notification and this does not feel right. Maybe even a history of what happened to your crew should be created.

It might also be interesting for the player to be able to pick the names of their crewmembers. This might promote more of an attachment to them.

Thanks for reading. Hopefully the next time I make a post it will be to declare the start of my “ship construction” season.

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